In my last post I mentioned that a mobile POTA is not as fun as setting up at a picnic table. Well this is another mobile POTA, but I tried to make it feel a little more connected with nature.
While driving back from Jacksonville for a conference and before heading to Magic Kingdom with my wife (going to Disney World after an activation seems to be somewhat of a trend) on February 4th, I decided to stop an active a park. I wanted to pick something close to I95, but also something where I could have a greater connection to nature. I found Faver-Dykes State Park. What attracted me to this park is how it is not as popular and had a parking area in the woods by the water.

I had only 30 minutes or so for this activation, so mobile was key. I had my car setup within a few minutes of arriving. The weather was fantastic and I enjoyed exploring a little bit before getting on the air.
The bands were busy and I was able to secure 14 FT8 QSOs before needing to tear down. I’ve noticed I prefer FT8 while in parks. I think that is maybe the quiet that it affords me. I saw some deer and some birds during this activation. Had I been making noise doing SSB, I don’t think they would have gotten as close.

Overall this was a quick and exciting POTA activation. As my third activation, I’m starting to get the hang of POTA. I’m really liking the activation side. I have had a good portable power case that I use for Field Day, but I’m now developing a good setup for the radio and antennas.
For my next POTA activation I hope to bring back my satellite operating and see if I can do some satellite contacts. I have also been taking the CW Ops classes and hope to bring my (improving) CW skills to make contacts. I might try some CW on my next activation as I have a good portable key. For now I’ve been having a great time and looking forward to Hamcation. Hopefully I can connect with some POTA friends in person.