This page is an archive from my 2022 campaign.
My name is Andy Milluzzi, KK4LWR, and I’m respectfully asking for your consideration to represent the Southeastern Division as your Vice Director.

My brother, Tony, KD8RTT, first encouraged me to get my amateur radio license in 2012 while I was a student at the University of Florida. I immediately got involved with the club at UF and later held several offices, including President, in the Gator Amateur Radio Club, W4DFU. I remain connected with the club, serving as an officer in the alumni club.
I’ve also teamed up with my brother to volunteer for the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program (CARP). For over five years, I have served as a member-volunteer to host monthly calls with students, forums at hamfests, and organize an annual QSO party. CARP has grown to thousands of students and faculty around the world. I also serve on the ARRL PR Committee, volunteer at the ARRL booths at Hamvention and Hamcation, contribute articles to QST, On the Air, and QEX, and volunteer with Youth on the Air (YOTA).
As Vice Director, I will represent the membership, helping drive a successful Second Century. I’d like to bring a renewed focus to youth and collegiate programs, looking for ways to include and support those activities more broadly across the ARRL. I will continue to take a leading role in CARP, volunteer with YOTA as Region 2 camp staff, and help the ARRL grow. I want to engage the Southeastern Division, much like we have with CARP, to build an organization that reflects the interests and goals of our membership.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to serve as the Southeastern Division Vice Director. If you have any thoughts, ideas, questions, or want to get involved, connect with me. My contact info is up to date on QRZ! You can click around on my blog to learn more about me!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I learn more about you?
Check out the About page on my website!
I don’t have you in my log. Are you active on the radio?
Yes, I have over 1000 QSOs in 2022 so far. I’m usually in multiple days a week. I tend to work FT8 and a little PSK 31 as well as SSB on HF and I’m also on satellites. Message me and lets make a contact!
What are your thoughts on Satellite Communications?
Until February of 2022, most of my contacts were via satellites! I moved into my house in June of 2021 and finally got my shack setup and a good base station radio in February of 2022. Prior to February, I would operate portable satellites with a pair FT817 radios on a chest rig, GoSatWatch app on my phone, and an arrow antenna! I think both ARISS and OSCARs are essential to the hobby.
Satellites are also a way to bring folks into amateur radio. With so many colleges and universities looking to launch cubesats, amateur radio provides a great way to communicate as well as an opportunity for continued innovation.
What are your thoughts about sharing amateur radio with the Boy Scouts and other youth-serving organizations?
As an Eagle Scout who was first introduced to amateur radio via Radio Merit Badge, I think this is essential to the future of our hobby. In fact, I have been a merit badge counselor for Radio Merit Badge (and many other STEM merit badges). I volunteer with Youth on the Air for their camps and at hamfests and also co-lead the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program. Introducing children to a STEM hobby, such as amateur radio, is an excellent way to encourage creativity and STEM career.
Program such as the Boy Scouts of America, Youth on the Air, and the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program, form a support community to encourage interest in amateur radio. I will continue to advocate for ARRL support for these programs as we look to the next generation of amateur radio operators.
Do you operate CW?
Yes! I made my first two CW contacts during the 2022 Collegiate QSO Party! While I am still working on improving my sending and copying, I am excited to master this new skill. My job sometimes requires travel and I’m excited to try a QRP POTA on my next trip using CW. Follow me on Twitter @kk4lwr as I try to share my operating plans when I do something special!
What else do you do besides amateur radio?
I’m an IEEE Senior Member and active volunteer in my community. I mentor FIRST Robotics teams, volunteer at my local Maker Space, and I’m a Merit Badge Counselor for many science and engineering merit badges for the Boy Scouts of America.