On October 23, 2022 I was able to activate K-1184 Placerita Canyon State Park in California. This was my first Parks on the Air activation!
I was traveling to California for work and decided to bring my satellite setup. While times never lined up for a good pass, I decided to go to a local park and get on HF. I also brought an end fed antenna and an ATU-100 antenna tuner. I’ll save my thoughts on the ATU-100 for an another post.
I setup at a picnic table, along with SignaLink and Evolve 3 computer to do FT8. Running 2.5 watts and running off the internal batteries of the FT-818, I was able to enjoy an afternoon on the air! Even with FT8, I had to work hard to make contacts. After a few hours, I secured my 10 QSOs in my log for the activation.
Overall I loved the challenge of QRP and I enjoyed a relaxing afternoon outside. The Los Angeles area has some excellent parks and I have a few more on my list to explore. I’m looking forward to my next activation. Hunting is fun, but I think activating is the real POTA fun!